The Unwanted Visitor

It shows up one day and invades your personal space. Eventually it inconveniences you and it might even distance you from your friends. It’s difficult to stamp out, and has a will to live rivaled only by the likes of Osama Bin Laden. In fact, much like a foreign dictator, it’s no doubt hatching its own devious agenda. It stands out though by its lack of fear. It doesn’t need safety in numbers. Nay, this menace will take you on all by itself.

In time you lay awake at night plotting it’s demise, as you’re sure it plots yours, for it never sleeps. Only one thing is for certain; in no way does its agenda include ever getting the hell off of your face. This evil I speak of is the common zit.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

On that day my computer was probably broken. It was probably also raining or my rollerblades were broken too. It may also be that I just have too much time on my hands. Whatever. On that fateful day, forces unseen came together to help me solve this age-old question for the benefit of all mankind.

Apparently the powers that be were also as sick as I was of hearing it debated. Here it is:

Short version: Half full.

Full version: The normal state of a glass (the glass by itself) is empty. Therefore, to comment on the state of the glass I’m compelled to comment only on the change in its state. Therefore, the correct answer is to say that it’s half full.

I can scarcely believe my brain assembled that.

Coming soon…the chicken and the egg mystery finally solved…